onsdag 3 juni 2009

Första testerna av New Super Mario Bros Wii

New Super Mario Bros Wii verkar påminna en hel del om LittleBigPlanet. Båda spelen är byggda för en till fyra spelare. De är 2D-plattformsspel med en blandning av samarbete och tävling. Kontrollerna är enkla och gameplayet fysikbaserat. Men LittleBigPlanets fysik känns ibland lite flyktig. Säckgubbarna har ingen direkt tyngd och svävar liksom fram i hoppen. New Super Mario Bros. till Wii verkar inte ha det problemet.

Eurogamer har en artikel med sina första intryck av spelet.
It's bopping other players' heads that makes the real difference in to New Super Mario Bros Wii, though. You friends essentially become a set of wildly unpredictable moving platforms that can be used to grab coins or items - often found floating in bubbles, or produced in fours from blocks - first, or with a bit of co-ordination, to access secret or hard-to-reach objectives. Although it's unlikely to be an essential part of gameplay - New Super Mario Bros Wii will need to be playable solo, even if it's hardly the point - it's a simple stroke of genius that defines the game: it has huge potential for both co-operation and competition, and more importantly, it's really funny.
I artikel nämner de också att spelkontrollen vid första anblick verkar väldigt enkel. Man håller Wii-kontrollen på sidan och hoppar med ena knappen och spurtar med den andra. Men man kan plocka upp sina medspelare med spurtknappen, hoppa på väggar och göra sin rumpstom som introducerades i Mario 64. Dessutom verkar det finnas en del gömda kontrollegenskaper. En ny power-up ger dig möjlighet att flyta iväg som en fjäder om du skaker kontrollen och vissa plattformar kan du påverka genom att vicka kontrollen fram och tillbaka.

Även IGN har spelat spelet
After about a half hour with the game though, I can't wait for more. It's fun as hell to play.
Sure, you could run through the original Super Mario Bros. 1-1 inspired level by just hopping and taking out goombas, but skilled players will work together to get giant Yoshi coins, hit up higher ground areas built literally on top of the regular path, or make use of in-level contraptions to work towards a greater good. That, or you could just do what me and a fellow IGN member ended up doing; grab Phil the IGN Stars editor, toss him back and forth by combining the 1 button with motion, and then end it all by holding him above your head and jumping directly into a pit. Man… it's tough to play cooperative when picking on people is so dang fun.
Criskre på NeoGAF har också testat spelet
I went to E3 with two friends, both of which where completely meh about the whole idea of this game. They both left the show saying not only they where completely sold on the idea, but furthermore stating it was the game they had the most fun with in the entire show. I share the sentiment. It is a perfect blend of familiar and freshness. It really is what you would imagine a mario platformer would be in co-op. How they havent done this before I dont know, and yet the concept is so flawlessly simple and addictive. THIS will be the biggest seller this year, once you play it you just have to have it.
Spelet verkar hur kul som helst och med 80 banor kan jag knappt vänta på att få spela det när det släpps i höst.

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